Happy New Year everyone…As I am writing this we are dealing with windchills in the -50 mark in this part of Canada this morning and its been a cold start to the New Year for most of the country.
I haven’t been checking in here much over the last week as I was enjoying the season with family and friends. Unfortunately I returned to find 0ver 400 posts on the Blog! Mostly spam as my setting got adjusted, not sure what I did-:) anyway, to avoid problems like this in the future I will be setting my antispam filters quite high and suggest if you have a comment or question about anything here or about the Ankarsrum and KoMos in general you send me an email instead at info@jalyns.ca and I will answer them asap and if relevant to the topic will share with all.. Thanks and have a wonderful year. The first recipe of 2014 will follow later today.